How English regions are working to build back better, kick start demand and unleash competitiveness
We’re committed to ensuring your voice is heard in your region, and that real, practical change can be driven to boost productivity and prosperity. To do this, the CBI sits on business groups across Mayoral Combined Authorities (MCAs) and Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) who are working on the longer-term economic recovery.
In this monthly update, you’ll find insights from these MCAs and LEPs, with a specific focus on how to kick start demand and unleash competitiveness on people and skills for growth and how to build back better for a more sustainable future. Discover a region-by-region breakdown of the latest developments and understand how you can get involved.
Latest headlines
- Liverpool City Region’s Good Business Festival is to take part in the science-led COVID-19 pilot programme that will help the UK re-open by the summer. The government said it will work with organisers to get spectators for test events at a nightclub, comedy club and business events venue in the city.
- In advance of the elections on 6