Tanya Joseph of Hill+Knowlton Strategies shares why businesses should look up from the pandemic to focus on the broader political and economic context in order to succeed.
Years of going to school, followed by now even more years working in and around government, mean that I tend to think of September as the start of a new year. As the evenings get longer and I start seeing conkers on the ground, I pack away my summer wardrobe and turn my attention to the new political term.
In normal years, I would be finalising plans for the party conferences. Maybe one of the few blessings of COVID-19 is that I’m spared from three weeks of late nights, tired feet and a diet of beige buffet food and cheap wine. But I will miss the seeing friends from all three parties, listening and taking part in policy debates and playing ‘who is jockeying to be the next party leader’ (a game I never tire of). But this year, even though we won’t be gathering in Brighton, Liverpool and Birmingham, we do need to start thinki