The CBI has created a 2020 policy plan, laying out how we’ll be championing our members’ most pressing issues and driving UK-wide prosperity this year.
2020 promises to be the most important year in a generation. A newly elected government offers the opportunity to create a fairer, more sustainable and prosperous UK for all – and a fresh opportunity for your voice to be heard.
As the new government sets about turning manifesto commitments into policies, the CBI will be working with members to improve the UK’s attractiveness. Whether tackling the skills challenge, improving regional infrastructure networks, or putting forward the business vision for addressing the climate crisis, the CBI wants to work with you on the issues that matter to your business.
Read our 2020 policy plan to discover:
- Our top priorities for the upcoming year, generated through a mandate from members like you
- A first look at our headline projects across each area of the CBI’s Prosperity Agenda and how we plan to tackle them
- The cross-cutting campaigns of fundamental importance to the UK business environment