Have you heard of Ecocide? Sue Miller, Head of Global Networks at Stop Ecocide International, tells us more and explains how this is relevant to business
Imagine a world where commerce and the Earth can both thrive; where environmentally responsible businesses are not undercut by those outsourcing their true costs to nature; where companies can invest in a stable and sustainable future.
That world could be closer than you think.
What is ecocide?
Ecocide – from the Greek “oikos” meaning home and the Latin “cadere”, to kill – is a word that is gaining currency and momentum as we collectively begin to comprehend the damage we are doing to the Earth. Ecocide happens because it is not adequately prevented by law.
The laws which govern commercial activity were created at a time when the Earth’s resources seemed infinite and the Earth itself invincible. However, they have not evolved in pace with our capacity to destroy and are no longer able to prevent the damage we are causing. Duty to shareholders still trumps duty to the planet. Investment and su