The Migration Advisory Committee, an independent advisor to the government on immigration issues, launched its Call for Evidence to kickstart its review of the UK’s Shortage Occupation List.
What is the Shortage Occupation List?
The Shortage Occupation List (SOL) is the official list of skilled occupations - defined as roles where the qualification required is at RQFL3 (A-Level equivalent) or above - which have been assessed by the MAC to be in shortage and it's deemed sensible to fill those shortages with migrant workers through a Skilled Worker Visa.
The Home Office periodically commissions the MAC to recommend which jobs should be placed on the SOL, taking into account labour market data such as pay, vacancy rates, employment figures, and stakeholder evidence. The MAC presents those findings to the Home Office and it is for the government to decide whether to accept the recommendations.
Why is it important?
Our members have reported chronic labour shortages since 2021 as the UK economy reopened post-Covid, with our Employment Trends Survey highlighting three-quarters of businesses hit by labour shortages in the last 12 months. Nearly half (46%) of those businesses say they have been unable to meet output demands.
This Call for Evidence is an opportunity for you as members to provide evidence to the MAC to highlight where the shortages are in your business, and how placing those roles in shortage on the SOL will support you in tackling labour shortages. The consultation will run up to 26 May.
What is the scope of the review?
This is a major review, meaning the MAC will accept evidence for certain roles should the evidence indicate the occupation is in shortage. Roles currently on the SOL will also require evidence to remain on the list, with the exception for roles in the social care sector.
Significantly, the MAC will also accept evidence for roles in shortage below RQFL3 if there is compelling evidence of severe or unexpected shortage – or if there is evidence to suggest an occupation requires substantial training/qualifications and prior exp