Your March update on the latest international developments.
When I look back at my last quarterly update there was a sense of positivity for a post Covid future - pushing forward FTAs, boosting domestic exports and realising Global Britain. Roll forward 12 weeks and we’ve watched with horror events unfolding in Ukraine, supported the government whole heartedly on it’s response and are now looking to the knock on implications in 2022 and beyond. The humanitarian crisis will only increase and members have really gone above and beyond, working with Lord Bilimoria and his team – thank you!! Moving from one crisis to another, covid – Ukraine – oil and gas. We need to deal with today, whilst planning for the future.
Renewed focus on Economic Resilience
- Covid and the crisis in Ukraine have shown how dependent our domestic economy is on global supply chains. It has also shown how little government (and many businesses) understand the complexities and interdependence inv