The impact of technology in financial services firms will be a key topic for the CBI in 2020.
The CBI is currently developing an engagement programme, including FS Innovation Forum meetings, roundtables and position papers. We greatly welcome feedback from members on topics of interest and priorities for the year.
CBI FS Innovation Forum
The CBI financial services innovation forum is a quarterly meeting for FS firms, corporates and fintechs to discuss how technology can help financial services and the UK economy grow.
The 2020 dates for the FS Innovation Forum are:
11 March, 15:00-16:30h
9 June, 8:30-10.00h
10 September, 8:30-10.00h
3 December, 15:00-16:30h
Call for participation: Open Finance and Data Collection
The CBI is actively working on financial services innovation policy and will respond to the following consultations:
- FCA Call for Input: Open Finance.
The FCA has published a Call for Input to explore the potential to extend open banking principles to give consumers and businesses more control over a wider range of financial data (such as savings, insurance, mortgages, investments, pensions and consumer credit).
The deadline for submissions is 17 March