This case study explores how MAG Airports used Digital Champions to initiate a culture shift to embracing technology across all functions of the business. Jacqueline Shalks-White, MAG’s Head of Technology Communications & Engagement, talks us through MAG’s journey upskilling and reskilling all staff to use one suite of digital applications in the interests of consistency and efficiency, especially in light of the Covid-19 lockdowns that forced operations to shift to remote almost overnight.
MAG is the UK’s largest group of airports, which owns and operates Manchester, London Stansted and East Midlands Airports. MAG’s workforce is made up of both office-based and frontline colleagues.
The challenge
People within the business were using different suites and applications to complete their work, for example some colleagues would use Survey Monkey while others would use Microsoft Forms. This led to inconsistency and confusion, for instance when several versions of the same document were in circulation it was near impossible to find a single source of truth – this way of working was not cost-effective, collaborative or productive. When the first lockdown hit, a true picture of the variance in digital skill levels across functions of the business became apparent.
The solution
MAG chose to adopt Microsoft 365 to allow streamlining and smarter use of technology already deployed. This streamlining has led to a sense of commonality in building skills together as staff can now s