Unpacking the latest developments in UK trade policy in the month where Boris Johnson finally secured a parliamentary majority for a Brexit deal but the way forward remains uncertain.
Negotiating the negotiators
October has seen the CBI meet a number of senior government officials and ministers to discuss plans for future trade negotiations. Meetings have taken place with Secretary of State for International Trade Liz Truss; Second Permanent Secretary and Chief UK Trade Negotiator Crawford Falconer; Lead negotiator for UK-U.S. negotiations Oliver Griffiths and lead negotiator for negotiations with Japan, Australia and New Zealand Vivien Life.
In all of these meetings the CBI has been clear that business would like to see government take a “Europe first” approach to future negotiations, prioritising regulatory alignment with the EU and providing greater clarity for how trade offs between parallel negotiations will be managed.
To hear more about our work on the UK’s future trade policy contact CBI Head of Trade Policy (non-EU) Jonathan Brenton.
Looking East
The team has been very active in Asia this month, bringing members together in Thailand, Singapore and Myanmar as part of our ongoing project to identif