Labour accepts the CBI’s recommendations for building a better, more stable business tax system
Now more than ever, businesses need confidence to invest. This demands a tax system that is competitive, proportionate and enables both long-term planning and sustainable funding for our public services.
That is why the CBI called for a tax system that is simple, certain, proportionate and internationally competitive in our Business Tax Roadmap.
Labour’s commitment to introduce a Business Tax Plan draws directly on the CBI’s recommendations. With a strong focus on stability, it can give businesses the certainty they need to invest over the years and decades to come.
Key policies in their Plan include:
- Ensuring the headline corporation tax rate remains competitive: Labour has committed not to increase it over the course of the next parliament, and to keep it under review to ensure it remains competitive, something the CBI recommended in our Business Manifesto
- Maintaining incentives that drive investment and growth: Labour have said they will make no changes to full expensing, the annual in