New CBI report assesses the UK’s performance as a global life sciences hub
A new report from the CBI has called on the government to take decisive action to bolster the UK’s world-leading life-sciences sector.
The report, Let’s Get Clinical, outlines numerous ways to deliver vastly improved patient outcomes, cement the UK’s reputation as a leading hub for research and innovation, and pull ahead of growing international competition.
The life sciences sector is at the heart of economic and social prosperity in the UK. Contributing over £70bn per year to the UK economy, and employing nearly a quarter of a million people across the country, the sector plays a vital role in both driving innovation and delivering improved patient outcomes and standards of care.
Let’s Get Clinical provides a snapshot summary of the UK’s current attractiveness and direction of travel as a life sciences destination. It rates the UK on five key metrics:
- Government backing of the sector
- Strength of the research and innovation framework
- A flexible healthcare system keeping pace with cha