6 key points from CBI’s Low Carbon 2020s Conference.
Achieving the UK’s stretching target on emissions and tackling climate change requires a massive shift in consumer behaviour. It will include changing the ways in which we all use transport and energy – so what role can business play in driving that and making that consumer journey an easy one?
Speaking at the CBI’s Low Carbon 2020s Conference, our panel of industry experts made these key points:
1 – Future energy consumers need more support
For energy consumers, the adjustments they need to make in how they heat their homes means they will need the support of the businesses they use. “When you look at the energy market today is it working for everyone?” said Gillian Cooper, Head of Energy Policy at Citizens Advice. “People find it too complex; engagement levels are low and there’s an affordability crisis. If we want a future market that works for all then we need to get the de