How English regions are responding to coronavirus and their plans to build back better, kick start demand and unleash competitiveness
We’re committed to ensuring your voice is heard in your region, and that real, practical change can be driven to boost productivity and prosperity. To do this, the CBI sits on business groups across Mayoral Combined Authorities (MCAs) and Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) who are working on the COVID-19 response and the longer-term economic recovery.
In this monthly update, you’ll find insights from these MCAs and LEPs, with a specific focus on how to kick start demand and unleash competitiveness on people and skills for growth, and how to build back better for a more sustainable future. Discover a region-by-region breakdown of the latest developments and understand how you can get involved.
Latest headlines
- England has entered its second coronavirus lockdown with measures limiting what people can do over the next four weeks. MPs voted on Wednesday (November 4) to impose the restrictions which are due to expire on December 2.
- The Covid Recovery Commission, c