How the Education Committee’s call for evidence could influence further education policy
Earlier this year, the Education Committee launched a call for evidence to support its further education (FE) inquiry.
What is in scope of the call for evidence?
The call for evidence’s scope is broad, covering various areas of FE provision and skills policy that affect FE. This includes:
- Curriculum and qualifications, including T Levels, Level 2 maths and English resit policy, and Applied General Qualifications (AGQs).
- Funding, with a specific focus on the adequacy of the £300mn allocated to the sector at the Autumn Budget to address competing priorities, including recruitment and retention, and narrowing the disadvantage gap.
- Skills gaps and the role of Skills England and devolution in strengthening the alignment between employers’ skills needs and local training provision.
Why is it important?
The FE sector has a key strategic role to play in delivering the government’s growth mission, but there is growing evidence to suggest that challenges facing FE providers threaten their ability to design and deliver high-quality, business-relevant training.
The call for evidence is an opportunity for stakeholders to share their views and experiences of the FE system. This intelligence will help inform the recommendations the Education Committee makes to government and is therefore a key opportunity to help shape FE policy.
What has the CBI said in its response?
Following engagement with CBI members, the CBI has submitted its call for evidence response.
The headline messages are as follows:
- Supporting progression demands a different approach to curriculum and assessment.
- Co-designing a sustainable funding strategy for further education (FE) must be a priority.
- Skills England can play a transformative and positive role in the skills system if implemented correctly.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with Evie Matthews.