Unpacking the latest developments in tax and regulation policy in a month where digital transformation took centre stage
While it can sometimes seem like Brexit dominates the headlines and the UK’s policy agenda, the world of tax and regulation certainly hasn’t seen a quiet month.
An international approach to digital taxation
On all levels, there has been a flurry of activity as governments try to answer the question of how to make the tax system fit for a world where digital has become the primary channel through which business operates. The UK government feels it needs to act now with the introduction of its own Digital Services Tax (DST) and we’ve been having regular engagement with the Treasury on their proposals. The EU have decided to wait and see if progress can be made at the global level, shelving plans for its own DST until 2020. This is welcome news; the CBI has long believed that the OECD is the right organisation to effect the changes needed. Digital markets are truly global, as a