A year on from signing the UK Plastics Pact, Lucozade Ribena Suntory has made innovative changes to the way it reuses plastic.
Like our consumers, the world around us is constantly changing and we know we must adapt, innovate and take collaborative action to minimise our impact on the environment.
Lucozade Ribena Suntory is founded on the belief that everything stems from nature. So we’re proud to be founding signatories of the UK Plastics Pact and believe that by working together with our consumers, industry and government we can transform the UK’s plastic system.
Since the Pact was launched, we’ve been busy innovating. From replacing 46,000 bottles at running events with seaweed packaging alternatives to converting all our 380ml Lucozade Sport bottles into 100% recycled plastic. We’ve also celebrated ten years of making our Ribena bottles from 100 % recycled plastic. We’ve also rolled out a successful trial of a new light weighted 500ml Ribena bottle which will save 325 tonnes of plastic being produced each year.
Our labelling project aims to re