Press speculation and BEIS Select Committee inquiry has raised the possibility of a change to the Industrial Strategy
The Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Select Committee launched an inquiry into post-pandemic economic growth, with a sub-inquiry into the Industrial Strategy. The call for evidence focused on whether the impact of Covid-19 has shifted the strategic building blocks of the Industrial Strategy.
We consulted members to ensure we fully represented your views, and with this feedback and input we submitted a response. The CBI’s Chief Economist Rain Newton-Smith also provided oral evidence to the committee.
Our submission does not advocate for a radical and wholesale re-imagining of the Industrial Strategy, and instead focuses on urgent action. Key points include:
- The fundamental building blocks of the Industrial Strategy remain the right ones for the UK’s long- term competitiveness, but the challenges facing the UK economy as a result of the Covid-19 crisis put an emphasis on urgency and pace of delivery
- Businesses and international investors are looking for a bold vision for