The latest updates and opportunities from across the CBI for Trade Associations and their members.
From the G7 summit in Cornwall to COP26 in Glasgow, 2021 has been a pivotal year for the UK. The country has been front and centre of the world stage as global leaders gathered to devise strategies for securing our planet - and future prosperity.
Amidst the whirlwind of debate, it’s fair to pause for a moment and ask: what do these discussions mean for us here at home? What opportunities are to be found for our towns and cities?
If you tuned into our Annual Conference last week, you will have seen the CBI dive head first into these questions.
Over three days we travelled from Tyneside to Birmingham, Belfast to Yeovil and Swansea to Woking, hearing expert insight from industry and government leaders. Post-Budget, post-COP26 there was plenty to discuss on the importance of capturing the economic prizes up for grabs.
This point was hammered home as part of the opening speech. It was very righ