The business voice will be critical in shaping further amendments to the Data Protection and Digital Information (No. 2) Bill.
Data is an essential building block for businesses of all sizes and sectors across the UK. Helping firms make the most of their data to address challenges and innovate will drive growth across the economy, as well as supporting UK efforts to become a science and tech superpower.
GDPR reform is a prime example of where the UK government can develop digital regulation that creates certainty for businesses and supports investment.
How has the Bill changed?
The original Data Protection and Digital Information (DPDI) Bill was introduced in July 2022, but it was withdrawn to make way for a new Bill rather than seek amendments. Since then, the CBI has been engaging the government on this through our membership of the Secretary of State’s Business Advisory Group.
The new Bill – brought to Parliament on 8 April – did not make substantial changes to the original, and the CBI welcomed how the g