How your business can help prepare young people for the modern world.
When a young person has four or more encounters with an employer, they are five times less likely to be unemployed in their adult life. But these life-changing opportunities are not equally available to all students. A school in the shadow of Canary Wharf is likely to have access to a dozen law and accountancy firms, while a school in Great Yarmouth is likely to have significantly fewer choices when it comes to experiencing the world of work.
Employers tell us they want to do more, but struggle with where to start, and are unsure about how to make their encounters with young people meaningful. We’re working to change this.
Why engage with education?
- Nurture your future talent pipeline
- Connect with young people and help them prepare for the working world
- Cement your firm’s value in your community and overall contribution to society.
How can your business get involved?
The CBI is preparing a toolkit to help firms understand the tangible steps you can take to make a difference. In the meantime, there are actions we recommend every business undertakes to engage with education:
- Assess the ways your business