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203 Results found for "15/16"
The CBI responds to the government’s proposals to introduce mandatory COVID-19 Status Certification under a Plan B scenario.Mon 18 Oct 2021Submission
CBI responds to government consultation on creating a vision for the Oxford-Cambridge ArcFri 12 Nov 2021Submission
The UK Green Finance Strategy from 2019 is being updated this year. The CBI extensively consulted members on what policy is needed to increase money flows to transition to a net zero economy by 2050 – read our response.Fri 01 Jul 2022Submission
The CBI highlights the need for progression in an assortment of areas if the UK is to reach the net-zero greenhouse gas emissions target by 2050.Fri 28 Jun 2019Submission
Our response to HMT’s tranche 1 call for evidence provides recommendations for much-needed reform on business rates reliefs, in light of heightened uncertaintyThu 01 Oct 2020Report
Your monthly update on how English regions are delivering growth and creating a thriving business environment.Tue 18 Apr 2023- With the impact of the housing crisis grabbing headlines at both a local and national level, Helen Moore, Group Director of Orbit Homes explains why changes to the planning system are needed if we are to address the chronic shortage of housing that has developed over decades.Wed 15 May 2024