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6202 Results found for "2026"
The latest highlights of how English regions are delivering growth and creating a thriving business environment.Tue 04 Jul 2023- Fri 11 Oct 2024
Your May guide to the UK economy, giving you a monthly overview of the major trends impacting the UK's main business sectors.Fri 10 May 2024Report
Your September guide to the UK economy, giving you a monthly overview of the major trends impacting the UK's main business sectors.Thu 14 Sep 2023Report
Your August guide to the UK economy, giving you a monthly overview of the major trends impacting the UK's main business sectors.Tue 20 Aug 2024- Tue 16 May 2023
What you need to know about the labour market - and how the trends are guiding our work for members.Wed 07 Feb 2024Report
The number of people who are economically inactive due to long-term sickness reaches a record high – read the key findings from the ONS covering employment, unemployment, economic inactivity, pay and hours worked data.Tue 30 May 2023- Your quarterly guide to the UK economy; making sense of the key trends and what's driving them.Wed 24 Jan 2024