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540 Results found for "ca.connect"
Thought Leadership
International Trade conference: hear from the UK Ambassador to the WTO and business leaders on the importance of international coordination on trade policy.Fri 16 Oct 2020Report
Find more about the latest CBI campaign to help you make the most of financial technology (fintech) for efficiency, reduced costs and advanced competitive edge.Thu 21 Apr 2022- Setting out how the framework for international travel must be overhauled to give businesses a chance to recover.Wed 15 Sep 2021
Practical Guide
The new rules will see the launch of the new visa routes, including the Global Business Mobility Visa, the High Potential Individual route and the Scale-up route.Wed 13 Apr 2022Briefing
Understand the key takeaways from the Comprehensive Spending Review, focusing on the government’s levelling up agenda to reduce regional disparities across the country.Wed 25 Nov 2020