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540 Results found for "ca.connect"
- The CBI encourages places make the most of their distinctive strengths, better coordinate economic policy at the local level and ensure greater collaboration across boundaries.Fri 13 Sep 2019
The CBI briefed G7 Sherpas on our trade and investment priorities in order to influence the G7 process in the interests of British business.Tue 23 Apr 2019Overview
In today’s budget, the government has put its weight behind science and innovation, with a raft of new measures announced.Wed 11 Mar 2020Overview
The Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) has invited the CBI to partner with their new UK-Brazil Working Group, a platform designed to outline business priorities for the future economic relationship between the UK and Brazil.Fri 17 Sep 2021Overview
The first wave of strategies focus on future of mobility and clean growth, as a result of engaging stakeholders including the CBI and our members.Fri 28 Jun 2019Resource
The CBI/Ipsos MORI research examines which COVID-19 business changes are likely to be temporary, and which are seen to be permanent.Mon 02 Nov 2020Thought Leadership
Key takeaways from the CBI Virtual Summer Reception.Thu 23 Jul 2020