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1698 Results found for "sway 个性化"
A look at recent developments in the move to address how companies are taxed in light of the digitalisation of the economyFri 03 May 2019Briefing
Unpacking the latest developments in tax and regulation policy in a month where we had a Budget planned and then we didn’t.Fri 01 Nov 2019Speech
CBI President Lord Karan Bilimoria, CBE, DL, called for an extension of the Kickstart Scheme deadline in a speech on the power of education.Mon 15 Mar 2021Factsheet
How will increased national and local restrictions impact business – and what should you do to prepare?Tue 12 Jan 2021Report
A new CBI report outlines how business and government can work together to ensure the opportunities of international trade and investment are realised.Mon 12 Oct 2020