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1698 Results found for "sway 个性化"
After the pandemic paved the way for hybrid working, what role does business travel still have to play? The BTA commissioned CBI Economics to learn more.Tue 18 Apr 2023- Explaining the rigour and reason behind the way we model a firm’s or sector’s economic contribution and impact.Thu 17 Aug 2023
- The CBI has responded to the half-way point data from the Hampton-Alexander Review, which focuses on increasing the number of women on boards and in senior leadership positions across the FTSE 350.Wed 27 Jun 2018
Practical Guide
Understand the barriers standing in the way of great people practice and the habits that can help your business overcome them to transform potential into productivityFri 17 May 2019Overview
West Midlands Combined Authority is leading the way.Thu 16 May 2019Reaction
A global solution is the only way to avoid creating a complex patchwork of tax policies that increase compliance burdens and uncertainty.Thu 28 Feb 2019