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1698 Results found for "sway 个性化"
- Businesses are innovating the world away from fossil fuels but with bold ambition - and even bolder action - from government, business and consumers, we can cut carbon further and faster.Fri 26 Apr 2019
The report reveals the barriers standing in the way of great people practice and the habits businesses can adopt to overcome them to transform potential into productivityFri 17 May 2019- Updates from CBI offices in China and India, and what UK businesses can take away from the international response.Thu 21 May 2020
- Electric vehicles and new technologies can be major liberating forces shaping this century, in the same way that fossil fuels transformed the twentieth century, the CBI’s Director-General said today.Wed 08 May 2019
Thought Leadership
Jonathan Brenton, the CBI's Head of Trade Policy (Non-EU), shares his reflections on what delegates took away from the CBI’s International Trade conference.Tue 20 Oct 2020- A year on from signing the UK Plastics Pact, Lucozade Ribena Suntory has made innovative changes to the way it reuses plastic.Wed 05 Jun 2019