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1697 Results found for "sway 个性化"
Understand the key takeaways from the Comprehensive Spending Review, focusing on the government’s levelling up agenda to reduce regional disparities across the country.Wed 25 Nov 2020Thought Leadership
The business voice will be critical in shaping further amendments to the Data Protection and Digital Information (No. 2) Bill.Wed 22 Mar 2023Case Study
Hear from a business that understands that when you take care of your people, your people will take care of the business.Wed 13 May 2020- To avoid a deep and prolonged recession, we need to put all our focus on how the UK economy can and must grow. Our plan is based on long-term vision, but it has practical, actionable elements that government can take now to help businesses during (and beyond) the current economic crisis.Wed 13 Jul 2022
Over the past 12 months businesses have been operating amid constant instability - manufacturers ambition for 2023 is to focus on promise, potential and prosperity.Tue 01 Nov 2022Report
Regulation is all too often misunderstood and mischaracterised. It’s a potential ‘cost-free’ lever to growth at a time when the nation is having to tighten its belt, but, the focus on de-regulation risks the UK failing to seize the opportunities for meaningful reform.Wed 05 Apr 2023Overview
A government update to public procurement policy means businesses will be assessed on how quickly they pay other businesses.Thu 05 Sep 2019