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203 Results found for "15/16"
The government must work with OECD partners on a connected approach to taxing the digital economy, avoiding damaging UK competitiveness.Thu 27 Sep 2018Submission
The CBI has identified areas in the short, medium, and long-term where business and government can work together to ensure that trade helps to restart, revive, and renew the UK economy.Wed 29 Apr 2020Submission
Labour's renationalisation plans will harm UK.Fri 05 Apr 2019Submission
A government reshuffle can’t delay action on reforming the system.Thu 29 Aug 2019Submission
The CBI’s submission to the Global Travel Taskforce lays out the measures the government can take to reconnect UK businesses with markets worldwideTue 06 Apr 2021Submission
What we’re pushing the government on and why.Tue 08 Oct 2024Submission
In a historic move, CBI Chairs in six English regions have all come together to urge the government to back and build HS2.Wed 16 Oct 2019