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For businesses operating in consumer and professional services.
For businesses operating in the manufacturing sector.
For businesses operating in Financial Services.
For businesses operating in retail, wholesale or motor trades.

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Quote —
“The CBI’s economic surveys capture what’s really going on across shop-floors, highstreets and boardrooms in the UK. Participate in the CBI’s surveys and receive crucial intelligence on your sector.”
Alpesh Palaja, Lead EconomistNext survey release dates
- 27 February - Quarterly Service Sector Survey (00:01)
- 03 March - February Growth Indicator (00:01)
- 20 March - Monthly Industrial Trends Survey (11:00)
- 25 March - Monthly Distributive Trades Survey (11:00)
- 27 March - Monthly Service Sector Survey (00:01)
- 27 March - March Growth Indicator (00:01)
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